Wednesday, June 19, 2013

A Father's Life

I just finished a week of volunteering at a classical guitar music festival here is Houston. This is my second year doing this. My son competes in this festival each year and has done very well. This year he placed second amidst some very stiff competition. Part of my duties this year was to be back stage to proctor the competitors before they performed. I would announce each one prior to their entry on stage.

As a father, I will admit my prejudice. Our son, JB, played extremely well. Maybe the best I have ever heard him. It brought tears to my eyes, literally. I had a lot of time to reflect on the week and here are some of my thoughts (a bit random maybe).

Wow, that is my son? - Musical abilities run in our family a little. My wife was first chair violinist in her high school orchestra. My oldest son plays a variety of instruments. My daughters have some skills on the piano. My youngest son is doing well taking cello lessons. I have played guitar since I was about ten years old and currently am going through my second childhood learning to play the ukulele. So music runs in our family, but wow, not like this. JB has exceeded all of us.

What a roller coaster of nerves. - There was so much tension in the air surrounding the competition. I remember playing sports when I was a kid. I used to get so nervous before a big baseball game or a wrestling match I thought I was going to throw up. I could see the nerves visibly on all the competitors faces as they were preparing to go on stage to compete. It was amazing to see how they were able to get the nerves under control and perform with such silky smooth ease. Hats off to them all.

My son has a gift from God. - JB only started playing the guitar back in 2007. He started out teaching himself off the internet. Very soon after he was able to find a teacher locally that really made a huge difference in his playing. Whether she (Valerie) knows it or not she is a gift from God as well. Its been said that we are what we are because of the people we meet. Some impact us negatively and some positively. Its up to us to choose which way we allow people to influence us. I am thankful that JB has been able to take the good from the people he has met in life and rise above the negative. Many have wasted the gifts given them. My prayer is that JB will not.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Pray for Suburban Baptist Church in Moore, OKlahoma

Storms have ravaged the midwest. Oklahoma has been hit particularly hard at least three times in the past two weeks. No sooner had folks there gotten things dried out when another storm would dump 7-8 inches of rain on them again. The loss of life from the tornadoes has been staggering. It seems almost surreal that that area would be hit three times in such a short period of time. I am sure the good people of Oklahoma must be asking themselves many questions. Why us? When will it end? How are we going to get through this? Are there more dangers ahead?

I have been in contact with a sister church, Suburban Baptist Church, in Moore, Oklahoma. We will be sending an offering directly to them to help seven of their church families who have been devastated by the storms. I know that what we will be able to send will only be a drop in the bucket compared to what is needed. Some have lost all their possessions. We trust that God will use our token to bless these dear folks. By God's grace, none of their church suffered any fatalities. 

If anyone would like to donate to these seven families feel free to send a check to the church and we will forward it on with our offering. You can contact me at and I will let you know how to send any donations.

This week I would like to focus on another church member, Dan Rebsch.

Through Bill Gothard’s Basic and Advanced Seminars, the Holy Spirit worked in my heart by showing me the truth of His Word. I had never received so much Biblical truth as I received at those seminars. When I realized that the religion I was following was teaching a different doctrine than that of the Bible’s, I made a salvation profession to Jesus, left that other religion and began a new life in Christ. I have never looked back or regretted that decision even though it cost most of our friends and family members at the time. 

Dan & Granddaughter Melissa

I like to make time in my schedule for staying in shape by running and weight training. I usually run three miles at Memorial Park 2-3 days a week during lunch. I do my own weight training at home in my garage also 3 days a week. 

I enjoy teaching the adult Sunday school class because I love to research Biblical topics which broaden my understanding of God and His word. I love any type of in-depth scripture learning. As Pastor’s deacon, I enjoy being able to serve him and the church in areas of leadership and assistance. One of my other favorite church related functions would be when we have missionaries come in and present their ministries. Since one of my daughters is a full-time missionary wife in Ukraine and my other daughter was on the foreign mission field before marrying a young pastor, I have a soft spot in my heart for missions. 

At The Church at Katy, I serve as deacon with responsibilities for keeping the missionary bulletin board, purchasing all the church supplies used on Sundays and for special events, teaching Sunday school, setting up the church weekly, and keeping Pastor in line. :>) Outside of my church responsibilities, I, along with my wife, do an outreach to the Chinese on Friday nights. The group is known as the American Chinese Fellowship (ACF) and my wife and I teach a beginners Bible study every other Friday.