Here is my second entry. I have thought a lot about what format this blog should take in order to keep people interested in reading it. I have lots of ideas so we shall see what path we choose!
Haley Simpson |
I would first of all like to introduce my Assistant Editor in Charge of Keeping Me On Track, Haley Simpson. Haley is 18 years old, recently graduated, and eager to serve the Lord with her many talents and interests. She loves art, is a fine musician, and has a very servant minded spirit. Haley is still seeking God's path for her life. She would like to get involved in designing and producing Christian themed T-shirts. I have asked Haley to assist me in gathering information about the people in our church so we can introduce them to you over time. So if you are a member of the church and Haley comes to you asking questions please do not turn her away!
In church I am just coming to the end of series of sermons I have been preaching on the letters to the seven churches in Revelation. It has been a great study as I have sought to make this biblical prophecy relevant and practical. One of the things that has impacted me personally from this study is the progression of sliding away from God's intended purpose for the church. In Rev 4:11 the Bible teaches us that we are and were created for God's pleasure. Everything we do or do not do in this life should be pleasing to God. Paul said it this way, "Whatsoever you do, do all to the glory of God." The big "take away" from this series has been that it is not about you/me/us, but it is about God. We see in the rebuke to the churches a gradual sliding away from a God centered existence. I am quite sure that the Church of today hardly resembles the church of old. In some cases that may good. The world is evolving and changing. In some aspects we must change with it in order to be an effective witness of the gospel. However, we must never allow our principles, doctrine, and purpose to change. Methods change but principles do not. What God deemed as sinful and repugnant years ago is still sinful and repugnant. God's Word does not change neither does His standards of morality. If, as I believe, we are in or close to being in the Laodecian Church Age, we need to take heed and repent. Apathetic Christianity is deplorable to God.
“Great is Thy faithfulness,” O God my Father,
There is no shadow of turning with Thee;
Thou changest not, Thy compassions, they fail not
As Thou hast been Thou forever wilt be.
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Missionary Robert Bottom |
Missionary Robert Bottom, missionary to the Harris County Prison system, will be filling the pulpit morning and evening January 27th. Our church has supported the Bottom family for four years. Missionary Bottom is an excellent preacher. You will be blessed by hearing him.
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