The first few days of school are always a parent's nightmare. Will they do ok? Will they make good friends? Will they get on the right bus?
Don't get me started on the teen years. Driving - do we ever stop worrying? Dating - Don't want to think about it.
Kim said to me this evening, "Do we ever stop worrying about our kids?" My answer is - NO. While we know that we are supposed to do the best job we can to raise them with a healthy fear of the Lord and leave the rest up to God, we can't help but worry if we did a good enough job. God is trustworthy. He will do His part, it's our part we worry about.
Its kind of like a ship builder who spends years of his life building a sailboat. The day finally comes that he takes the boat down to the ocean for its maiden launch. As he lowers the boat into the water he thinks back to the days in the shop when he was glueing and nailing the boards together. He remembers one day in particular when he was in a hurry and may have taken a short cut. Or he may remember when he skimped on the materials in order to save a little money. Launch time is here now and he has apprehension. Will his little ship stand up to the rough seas?
Thats what it is like for a parent and his child. Life can be rough. Sending your child off to face this old world is scary. There are forces out there that are just plain evil. Your child must face them sooner or later. Only what you have invested in them in time past will help them.
Ever stop worrying - NO!
"Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it." - Pro 22:6 (O Lord let it be true in the life of my children.)
This week I would like to introduce you to another member of our church. Caryn Peng Ho. Here is a short testimony.

Currently, I am serving as the church Treasurer.
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