In the past two weeks the world lost a man that was called, "The most beloved gospel singer," George Beverly Shea. Shea was most known for singing at the Billy Graham evangelistic crusades for over fifty years. When Dr. Graham first met Shea and asked him to be his singer at the crusades he was more popular than Billy Graham. His beautiful baritone voice was truly a catalyst for the ever growing attendance at the meetings.
The thing that strikes me most about this man was his humility. Here was a man that turned down many opportunities for fame and fortune when he was a young man in order to sing for the Saviour. Together with Dr. Graham, they saw countless numbers
of souls come to a saving knowledge of Christ. His music prepared the hearts to receive the word of God. When asked what he hoped people would remember about him he quipped, "that I sang on key."
Over the past year there have been many superstars of the entertainment world pass into eternity. The news channels all lined up to report the tremendous tragedy of the loss of this one or that one. Many of these people did not honor Christ with their lives. Some may have been believers. I do not intend to disparage the loss of these people. I am sure they will be missed. I only want to point out that the world truly lost a hero of the faith when George Beverly Shea died. While the majority of the world's population did not even hear about it, the angels of heaven are rejoicing to receive him into their presence. He should fit right in with all the praises being sung!
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