Saturday, April 5, 2014

Biblical Gray Areas: What Should I Do?

Dr Mike Bere
If the Bible was written to be a complete book of commands for us to live by it would have to be so big that no one could possible read it all. Think about it for a minute: it would have to cover every single possible situation, in every culture, in every time period. If it were to do that there would be so much of the book that we could not possible understand. Because God is infinitely wise He did not saddle us with a book that would be too cumbersome to be effective and beneficial. Instead He gave us a book that contains principles and precepts. Sure there are commands and prohibitions. For the most part, however, God gave us a book of practical principles that if we study and pray will guide us into right living.

If you are faced with a situation where the Bible does not give a direct command to "thou shalt" or "thou shalt not" what do you do? Is it left to the individual believer to decide based on what he feels is right or wrong? Can something be right in this situation but wrong in another?

Far and away the most beneficial class I took while at Bible college was a class called "Social Ethics" taught by Dr. Mike Bere. Dr. Bere developed a study of six principles that if correctly applied can help any believer in any situation make godly and righteous choices.

For this reason, our church is hosting a Bible conference April 25-27. It is a free to all conference with a meal provided on Saturday and Sunday. A conference notebook will be supplied for note taking as well. Contact me for more information. We would love to have a good number of people show up to tie advantage of this teaching. I believe it will change your life.

Dr. Mike Taylor

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