Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Common Sense - Where Are You?

All I am asking for is that common sense prevail. 

Think about this. I say I do not want cross dressers, transgenders, and other “off sex” persons to go into bathrooms with children of the opposite sex. I am labeled a homophobe, bigot, and all round bad guy. I say that anyone who votes for our elected officials needs to be a legal citizen and should prove that they are such at the polls and I am labeled as a person who wants to throw grandma off the cliff and take away the rights of the poor. I say that our welfare system needs to be revised to help those in need get trained so they can work for a living. I say, instead of giving a freeway to life in the USA to those who may want to blow us up, let us take time to be careful to look closely at those who come from parts of the world where there are such people.

To me these are a few issues where common sense is not prevailing in our society. Most of us citizens in the US are kind hearted compassionate people who have no problem helping those in need. Most of us  come from a background where “immigrant” was our family status at one time or another. But when the Italians, Polish, Serbians, Russians, Greeks, etc., came to America they did not come with the intent to kill Americans. Of course not all people who come from the Middle East want to kill us. But there are many who do! Thats a fact supported by their own words and their own religious document.

We have reached a time in the USA where common sense has left us. We are now reacting to media driven frenzy and political correctness that is driving away sensible dialogue and leaders who have integrity to do the right thing.

Here is my take on common sense reactions to some of these issues (for what it is worth).

Voter registration - If you do not want illegal people to vote (and I hope you don’t) how would you make sure they don’t? If they cannot prove their citizenship by a driver’s license or some other document how do you know they are who they say they are?

Transgenders in bathrooms - Do you want men going into the bathroom with little girls? I hope not. What is your common sense solution to this?

Lifetime welfare recipients - Do you want able bodied men and women (who could work for a living if they had the opportunity) to live off of welfare for an extended period of time? Would it not be better for their self-esteem and their families if they could do better than welfare? I realize there are mitigating circumstances and some people cannot work. I am not advocating to stop helping them. Do you think there should be a way to get help to those recipients that just need to be retrained and given tools to make them more marketable? 

I ask you this question - Why are the Syrian refugees getting such treatment when untold millions of African refugees are being ignored? African countries have been decimated by civil and religious wars for decades. I do not hear a word about our government reaching out to bring them here (at least not on the scale of the Syrian crisis.) Common sense would say, “Lets at least make sure we are not paying for the plane ticket of those who want to kill us.”

We need to stop putting words in each other’s mouths (on both sides.) Common sense would dictate that there are solutions to these issues but they will not be reached when vitriol and hatefulness are the attitudes of the citizens.

Monday, November 16, 2015

Get Your Head Out of the Sand

IF you believe there is a God


IF you believe the Bible is His revealed truth to mankind


You must believe that the world is heading to a time in history where there will be a ONE WORLD government, a ONE WORLD economy, and a ONE WORLD religion. The Bible predicts this. (Revelation 13; 17)

I do believe there is a God that has revealed truth to man in the Bible. I do believe history is pressing toward the ONE WORLD entities I mentioned above. Because this is true in my mind (and it should be true in yours as well) we should interpret the news with that perspective in mind. With the formation of the United Nations in 1945 the structure for the ONE WORLD government is in place. If you don’t believe that the UN is a government just look at some of its various sectors: World Bank, Security Council, and the International Court of Justice. These are all responsibilities a sovereign nation should control.

There is an effort being made to destabilize the US dollar. Artificially low interest rates, crippling rising debt, demand for higher minimum wages, extreme restrictions on American manufacturing, and so on are all working against the US economy.

There is a trend of watering down the traditional doctrine of the church. Higher criticism, liberal seminaries, translations of the Bible that are extremely inaccurate, and ecumenicalism are all pushing the church in the direction of a ONE WORLD church.

Abortion on demand, an educational system that is dumbing down our youth, erosion of the traditional family, an unsustainable and incoherent immigration policy, and spiritual wickedness abounding, are working to destroy any semblance of a nation that was built on a Godly tradition.

Lest you think this is a Democratic problem alone, think again. Starting with Bush 1, Presidents Clinton, Bush 2, and Obama have all been pushing “globalism,” the ONE WORLD philosophy.

Everything happens for a reason. Everything that happens is in accordance with the predictions God gave us in scripture. Christians need to get their heads out of the sand and become knowledgable about the times. We are nearing the end. We must do all we can to faithfully teach truth and share the gospel of redemption with a dying world.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

If You Can't Say Nothin' Nice...

You can sure tell we are in the middle of the election season. All you have to do is check on social media and you will see a lot of hateful things said by people on both sides of the political aisle. A lot of accusations are being made about things that people either say or do that many times are not proven to be factual. Words being taken out of context. Misinterpretation of statements. Unsubstantiated facts. Name calling. Not to mention rumors and downright lies. Where has civility gone? Where has the grace to agree to disagree gone? Where has general kindness gone?

I am not saying that we all have to keep quiet about our opinions. I am not even saying that we should stop debating issues. All I am saying is that ugliness, name calling, and vitriol never solves issues or helps us elect officials that will promote the progress of our nation.

One of my favorite verses in the Bible says, “A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver.” - Proverbs 25:11

To me this means the right word, spoken at the right time, with the right motive and attitude. As a Christian I have an obligation (and a command) for my speech to be “… alway with grace, seasoned with salt.” - Colossians 4:6

There is a paradigm that teaches us to “hate the sin but love the sinner.” So often we forget the second half of that paradigm. We jump in with both feet to hate on sin. We relish calling out other men’s transgressions. We march in disgust to protest evil. All the while we fail to love the sinner.

The Bible teaches us that men will know we are His disciples if we have love for one another. We would like to think that means love other Christians (at least those that act like it.) Deep down inside we know that is not the truth. Jesus loved sinners so much he died for them. Jesus taught us to dine with the lost so we can win them to the Savior.

And by the way sinner, just because I hate the wickedness you are doing doesn’t mean I hate you. I can disapprove of your actions fully believing they are morally wrong and still be your friend. And just because I disapprove of your lifestyle doesn’t make me a  ________phobic. (You can fill in any number of words here) That word literally means I am afraid of your immoral lifestyle. We do not fear you, we fear FOR you. We believe there is a holy God that will judge the world one day. As a believer we feel obligated to warn you of that coming judgment.

I get the fact that you are offended that we speak our mind and intrude into your life. You might even tell us to mind our own business. Well guess what! It is not our business, it is God’s business. He created you for a purpose and that purpose is to please him - Revelation 4:11 “Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.” 

So when we speak out against evil in the world we are really doing the business of God. Of course we need to speak graciously, kindly, lovingly, and fitly.

I would like to end by quoting a great theologian that most of you, Christian or not, would know.

“If you can’t say nothin’ nice, don’t say nothin’ at all.” - Thumper

Thursday, March 26, 2015

A Minister Who Does Not Believe in God!

You can't believe everything you read on the internet. I get it. You can't even believe everything you hear on the news either. However, when an article quotes a man directly from his writings, I think we can at least be a little confident that what we read has an element of truth.

Having said that, I read an article about a Presbyterian minister who does not believe in the existence of God, yet believes he is a Christian! I suppose we should not be overly shocked by this statement. All the way back in time during the time of the Judges we read that "In those days there was no king in Israel; every man did that which was right in his own eyes." - 21:25

Here is a link to the article:

We are increasingly seeing this erosion concerning morality in our society as well as in our churches. Several months ago I read another article about a church in Maryland that has a Saturday night bar service, complete with beer and wine. I think they called it a Christian nightclub. A few days later they did a news story on this church and interviewed several people in attendance who were obviously drunk.

Here is link to one article about this club:

For years there has been a huge gap between Baptist and Catholics largely rooted in major doctrinal differences. Within the past few months a very famous Baptist minister declared that the Pope was his Pope and the Pope for the entire church. Doctrinal differences set aside for the cause of unity (I Suppose).

Here is a link to an article about this quote:

I could cite many more instances that appear shocking and unbelievable. Here is the point. Why is this happening? What is going on in the world and Christianity in particular to cause this?

Erosion of the authority of the Word of God. I hear this all the time: That may be what you believe about the Bible but I interpret it differently. Or - The Bible is outdated and full of legends and superstitions. Its not relevant to us today.

We are living in the end times. God told us that in the last days people will not stand for sound doctrine. They will heap to themselves teachers that will tickle their ears and tell them what they want to hear. Some of the things they will tell them is:

Church is not important. You can worship God anywhere.
Don't focus on sin its too negative. You need to get the negative out of your life.
Name it and claim it. After all, God wants you to be wealthy.
Since love is central to God's plan for man, lets just love one another and forget about our differences.
All versions of the Bible are the same. Choose one you like.
You need to do what is best for you.

I could continue my list. I think you get the picture. Is it any wonder why the church has drifted so far away from God's truth? Seminaries are teaching the young preachers of the next generation that the miracles should be questioned. The Bible should be improved. We need to make our churches "Seeker sensitive." As a result we have a pile of ministers who do not know God and His word. Thats how we can have a minister who does not believe in the existence of God.

This is a travesty and we only have the Church to blame. We have accepted compromise and the smooth path. We need to get back to the old paths before it it becomes too late to recover ourselves.

Psalm 14:1

Saturday, March 21, 2015


I recently picked up my guitar again after a very long time of not playing. My fingers got very sore just like they did many years ago when I first started to learn to play. After several weeks of intense playing I have developed callouses on my finger tips. They are crusty and ugly but they sure do keep my fingers from hurting. These callouses have developed from repeatedly striking, pressing, and sliding on the strings. To a guitar player they are welcome friends.

The Bible warns believers about developing a “hard (calloused) heart.” While to a musician callouses are good but to a Christian a calloused heart is not. A heart become hardened when a person repeatedly resists the leading of the Holy Spirit. A heart becomes hardened when instead of loving and forgiving we become angry and resentful. A heart can become hardened when it loses compassion for those in need. Our human nature causes us to judge others more harshly then we might judge ourselves. This can lead to hardness of heart as well. 

Friend, lets be careful that we not allow ourselves to become so hardened that we lose the love of God for others. Yes, they are not perfect. In fact they truly are dirty rotten sinners (just like us). I have seen this posted on social media and I like it so it is worth repeating. “Don’t judge others just because they sin differently than you do.” Don’t let your heart get hardened toward others.

Monday, January 26, 2015

Make Good Choices

I saw a sign the other day that was so to the point and true I had to write about. The sign said,

How true do those words ring? We often make excuses for why things turn sour in our lives and blame everything and everyone around us. It is the society we live in. Its the fault of our spouse or children. If only I had a better job. If only I were prettier or smarter or taller...

The list of who and what we blame is endless.

The fact is that for every choice we make there is a consequence. Sometimes good things happen and we are satisfied with the outcome. Sometimes we make poor choices and the consequences are not enjoyable. When the latter happens we look around to shift blame so we can somehow feel better about ourselves or even feel sorry for ourselves. Our pride makes us not want to admit that we did this to ourselves.

When Israel was about the enter the Promised Land Joshua confronted the nation with these words. "Choose you this day whom you will serve." He then clearly laid out the consequences of making the wrong choice. Israel knew what would happen if they did not choose wisely.

So often we are blind to the consequences of our bad choices. We choose with little or no understanding of what might happen. Its almost understandable (not totally). But Israel had their eyes wide open. They knew what would happen and they still chose to dishonor God.

Stop making bad choices and blaming everyone and everything around you. Take the responsibility when you mess up. Set your course straight. Your life will be exponentially better.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Man That Looks So Easy

I have recently gotten the bug again to pick up my guitar and ukulele. I sold my mandolin hoping to get a better one in the future and I kind of got the bug for that again. As is my normal routine, I have been online looking at YouTube videos trying to pick up some free pointers and maybe learn a few things. As I watch these guys and girls give their lessons and tips one thing always stands out to me. THEY MAKE IT LOOK SO STINKING EASY!

I watch them play and then slow down and repeat their notes and I think to myself, I can do that. I pick up my instrument and all of a sudden my mind goes blank and I turn stupid. I can't remember a thing. Just a minute ago I was watching them do it and it looked like an easy thing to do.

The difference in them playing and me playing is the fact that they have spent hours and hours honing their skills. They have practiced and developed habits that make them the players they are. I want to be able to play like that without the grueling repetition of mistake after mistake until I get it right. I want to sit down and shred (a musicians' term I picked up along the way) without the discipline that it takes to perfect my skills.

That professional musician may have been born with some level of ability that is genetic. He may have a special gift. But that kind of playing comes from discipline and sacrifice and dedication. He still faces many instances of failure and stumbling through honing those skills.

Its really not unlike our lives as a Christian. We see many godly, dedicated, serving Christians that seem to have it all together. They seem to be what most Christians desire to be, you know mature, stable, faithful, and joyous. We look at them and ask ourselves, "Why can't I do that?" We have the desire to be like them, but we are not.

The same level of discipline and commitment and sacrifice that it takes for a musician to perfect his craft is the same level that a believer who has it all together needs. Yes, they make it look easy. Yes they appear to effortlessly walk the walk with seemingly none of the pitfalls that most of us run up against. In truth, they have reached this level of maturity by many times of testing and failure. If you were to ask any one of those believers you admire if it easy being so dedicated and faithful I believe each one would say it takes extreme effort (and a lot of help from the Holy Spirit). They could tell many stories of the failures in their lives to be what they are now. And the truth is it takes constant effort to maintain that level of spirituality.

I sure wish there was some pill I could take, or some switch I could flip to make me a good musician. There is not one. It takes a lot of effort and dedication. If I want to improve that is the formula.

If I want to be a mature, godly, dedicated Christian I must put in the effort. I must live my life disciplined and committed.

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Play By the Rules

I have always been a big sports guy. My fondest memories from childhood are about being on the field, any field really. Whether it was baseball, basketball, football, hockey, volleyball, horseshoes, even ball and jacks, if it was a competition I was in. I loved to compete at any sport.

While many sports are extremely different from one another by the way score is kept, they all have one important factor in common: THERE ARE RULES.

A winner is only crowned when he competes and excels according to the rules. It would not be much of a competition if the rules were not in place. Can you imagine the chaos at a race where there are no rules and no marked out course? How could you determine who was the fastest if they did not run the same course?

"And if a man also strive for masteries, yet is he not crowned, except he strive lawfully." - 2 Tim 2:5

Many sports figures have been banished in shame because they did not compete according to the rules. The rules are put in place to assure everyone that the playing field is even and fair for all. In some cases the rules are put in place to prevent injury or harm to the competitors.

I think it is fair to say that rules in sports are a good thing intended to bring about a good result. Rules are not there to serve as an annoyance but rather to enhance the sporting experience.

Why is it that people think just the opposite when it comes to morality and ethics? Why is it that the world seems to be spiraling toward an "anything goes" mentality when it comes to morality and ethics? Have you ever heard anyone say "Don't tell me what I can or cannot do"? Most of us probably have. There is a sense in which people today have arrived at where the nation Israel was thousands of years ago. Judges 21:25 says "In those days there was no king in Israel. Every man did that which was right in his own eyes." That turned out to be disastrous for Israel. It was shortly after this point that they were taken captive. A very dark period indeed.

I could quote many many verses here to support my point but I will only give you one. I think this verse says it well.

Isaiah 5:20 - "Woe unto them that call evil good and good evil."

Monday, January 5, 2015

Is It Just a Hat?

I often see young men wearing various hats with sports team logos on them. It seems like the "Team of the day" is constantly changing. I am a big Chicago sports teams fan so whenever I see someone wearing a Cubs, White Sox, Bulls, Blackhawks, or Bears hat I ask them, "Is that just a hat or are you a real fan of that team?" By asking that question I am seeking to know if they are a true fan or is it just the fad of the day.

You do not have to be a real fan to wear the hat. You can even hate the team but think the hat looks cool, or that it will give you street cred (whatever that means.) The colors of the hat may just match your other clothes. It may be that you got a good deal on the hat and decided to wear it that day. Last of all, you may just be having a bad hair day and want to cover up your rats nest! Whatever your reason for wearing the hat, it may not mean that there is any association or loyalty to that team at all. Its just a hat!

I find that this is an extremely relevant illustration of the way some believers wear their Christianity around town. They pretend to be a Christian for the spiritual cred it may bring them. It just may be fashionable in some social circles to be thought of as a "fan of Jesus." It may be that some boys will donn the apparel just to attract a certain girl they are interested in. There are many reasons why people will act like a Christian outwardly but inwardly be far from the Lord.

When I meet someone with a Chicago team hat on and I ask them if they are a fan or is it just a hat, it does not take very long for me to discern the answer. A real fan will engage in exciting chatter about the team and its current performance. They're glad to talk with me about the team whether good or bad. They seldom change the subject or try to get away.

When you meet someone wearing the Christian hat and try to start up a conversation about spiritual things and they try to dodge your questions or act bored to tears, it is a good indication that they are most likely "just wearing the hat." If they are a true loyal follower of Christ they will have no problem talking about their Lord.

Matt 7:20 - Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.